Vrh A – 9.1.2014



Ankan Ningen Banken & Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love


Avant Garde MaNoMiNoKo – export Nizozemí

B/W, FS: přenašeč, oči čisté, PRA BJ1 (čistá po rodičích), HD A (exellent FCI)

Dostihová licence, coursingová licence (Nejlepší coursingová fena Holandska 2015,2016, Mistryně ČR 2015, CACT, vítězka krásy a výkonu)

Výstavy: Výborná



lure coursing

11-04-2015 1st out of 5 at the Chocoladecoursing in Axel NL
10-05-2015 1st out of 5 at the Moederdagcoursing in Axel NL
24-05-2015 2nd out of 4 at the Pinkstercoursing in Leek NL
31-05-2015 1st out of 6 at the Summer Wind Cup in CZ winning CACT Mistr CR
07-06-2015 1st out of 10 at the Congo Cup Coursing in CZ
09-08-2015 1st out of 6 at the Kronenburg Coursing in NL (Beauty and performance winner)
22-08-2015 2nd out of 5 at the Zomercoursing in Leek NL
29-08-2015 2nd out of 2 at the Euro Revanche Coursing 2015 in Hoope DE
19-09-2015 1st out of 4 at the National Dutch Championship Coursing in Oude Pekela NL
26-09-2015 2nd out of 6 at the Oostgelre Coursing in Lichtenvoorde NL

oval race
19-07-2015 4th out of 5 at the Gouden Gaas in Beringen BE